Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Poised for Grace

Tonight I am re-reading Chapter 2 of Poised for Grace. Beginning on page 49 with the paragraph "When we cling to life as if death is the end of Consciousness" to the end of the chapter.

"Even when we don't feel like we are connected to this inexhaustable resource (eternity of the soul), we can act as if we are. Such faith, .... , distinguishes the wise. Even a small anount of such knowledge makes all of the difference......"

Question: Is the suggestion to pretend or is the suggestion that there is not a difference in believing or acting as if you believe?

Maybe we should try to answer the Questions and Contemplations at the end of each chapter?!!


  1. "Fake it 'till you make it!" I find it so true that (with the right intentions), we can improve ourselves through our actions. By "acting" like a kind person, and practicing kindness, we foster that quality and it becomes a bigger part of our identity. I know that for me it almost seems inauthentic at first, but the ACTS of kindness can reaffirm and strengthen the quality that was already there to begin with. To go back to your question, my interpretation is that if you accept the initial concept (that you're a kind person, or that you're connected to the divine), doubting shouldn't keep you from acting as if it were true.

    Thanks Kevin - really interesting question!

    xox Cathleen

  2. I see it this way,

    You can not prove it either way. So Why Not?
    If believing in the eternity of the soul quenches us, completes us, eases us, guides us, and we cannot prove (logically, for proofs are all logic) it either way, then why not believe?

    I think in this affirmation mindset, the reaffirmation Cathleen alludes to is inevitable... all becomes clear to the point where if you treat your Life as an Experiment, the likeliest conclusion can't help but arise


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